First and foremost, we’re excited to share that the number of chambers of commerce using EasyTRC has quadrupled so far this year!
Version 2.9 Released

We’re also happy to announce that several new features and tweaks have been made to the system in the past few months. Here are some highlights of 2.9 build 21725
1) The most requested item is the ability to HIDE THE CAMPAIGN TOTAL from salespeople when you get near the end of your campaign. This option can be found in the CAMPAIGNS area on the Admin side.
2) We’ve moved the menu in the admin area to the left hand side – this gets rid of the issues some people were having in the reports section.
3) We’ve added a “weekly sales report” to help get an accurate account of sales.
4) We added division goals to the system.
5) You can now send an initial email blast to all users at the beginning of your campaign that tells them their username and provides a link for them to change their password
6) LOTS of speed improvements. Need more? Let us know.
7) A bug in an update of Internet Explorer 9 broke sales splitting, so we fixed it.
8) Admin Area: User can now search for contracts using more fields including number, status, buyer, salesperson, and product name
9) Selling a new membership is now ridiculously easier
10) Added a new contract status: PENDING PAYMENT
Want more details? Give us a call!
Version 3.0 Sneak peek
Based on the awesome feedback from existing and potential clients, we’ve designed a whole new look for EasyTRC version 3.0. While we don’t have a fixed launch date set yet, know that it is currently expected in 2012. We’d love to share the details with you and get your feedback. Give us a call and lets talk about it!
About EasyTRC

EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.