EasyTRC is honored to have been invited to sit on a panel at the 2011 ACCE Convention. Additionally, EasyTRC will have personnel available to talk about Total Resource Campaigns in Booth 306. Stop by!
Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to speak at the event as well.
Here is some more information about the workshop. We hope to see you there. If you cannot attend, please give us a call and we can discuss anything and everything related to Total Resource Campaigns.
Successfully Executing Your Fundraising Campaign
Other Panelists include:
Bob Confoy, Co-Founder, Revenue Growth Inc;
Bob Morgan, President and CEO, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce;
Jim Vaughan, President and CEO, Waco Chamber of Commerce;
Matt Pivarnik, Executive Vice President, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce
Date: August 5, 2011
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Room #: Diamond 10
Workshop Summary
Learn how your chamber can design a working, sustainable fundraising model that’s a fit for today’s economy. Get insight on how volunteers can be more effective fundraisers than staff, how to ask for enough money to cover your programs, and how company CEOs can do more than just sponsor an event.
Come hear from the executives that run the most successful, and sustainable, Chamber fundraising programs in the United States. You will be sure to leave with a different perspective on funding your Chamber.
Learn more about Successfully Executing Your Fundraising Campaign