Hi everyone! We’re excited to announce that we’ve updated EasyTRC to v2.10 with some exciting new features that many of you have requested in the past year.
We’ve added several new features to help with prospecting including business classifications, a Do Not Call list, and a company search feature.
We’ve added a new report, tied everything to Facebook, and even let you change what you call your users – salespeople, volunteers, salesketeers, whatever you want!
We’re also happy to schedule a quick demo to show off the new features to you and your staff.
Give us a call and enjoy!
New Features in EasyTRC v2.10
- Login using Facebook. No more separate user/password to remember.
- Facebook profile pictures now appear on the leaderboard and everywhere you see a salesperson’s name
Prospecting: Search for companies just like you can search for available sponsorships
- Added field for company phone number; previously only had phone numbers for people.
- Do Not Call list feature added. Companies can now be marked as “do not call” and you can include a note as to why that is the case.
- New Report: Available Products – shows list of sold, pending, and available products and sponsorships. Listed by event, publication, etc so now you can see who bought the golf tournament presenting sponsorship, who bought each table at the winter formal party, or how many sponsorship levels are still not sold for the annual dinner meeting.
- Can now record number of full time and part time employees for each company
- Added Business Classifications; assign however many classifications you want to each company
- Added field for company location phone number
- Buyer’s email address was added to the contract
- People can now be set inactive
- Several report filtering options added and tweaked (user requests)
- Administrators can now send emails to individuals, teams, or all people on the campaign directly from within the system
- Change terminology used to describe salespeople to anything you want. Call them volunteers, sales monkeys, volunteer salespeople, cowboys, Chamberketeers, etc.
Also, a full salesperson training video has been posted to YouTube.
It is about 26 minutes long. Please call us to get the link.
Did you miss the update about Easy TRC v2.9?