New Campaign Switcher Feature Now Available
Now that we have so many Chambers that have used EasyTRC for multiple years, we heard requests for a few new features.
First, users wanted an easier way of switching campaigns so they could go back and look at contracts and details from previous campaigns. This was always available if you knew how to change the URL, but now it is as easy as 2 clicks.
TRC Campaign Summaries All in One Place
Second, users were asking to see a summary of all their campaign totals in one place. As staff changes, some history is lost. We made it easy to show how successful historical total resource campaigns were. And if the grand total isn’t enough, just click it and you’re transported to the last leaderboard for that campaign. Find out who your top 5 salespeople were 3 years ago. Need to know which teams sold more than $10,000 last year? Who was the campaign chair in 2011? It’s all here.