Total Resource Campaigns

made easy

Free Support

We provide unlimited free support by phone, email, chat and We’ll do everything we can to help you reach your goals!

Custom, Direct Emailing

Compose a Custom Email and send that message to individuals, teams, or any number of people participating in your campaign.

TRC Team and Division Support

EasyTRC supports sales teams as well as sales divisions. Team leaders can see details about all their team members’ sales. Division leaders can see how all their teams are doing.

TRC Product Manual

We’ll put your entire product manual online so your salespeople can reference any part of it right there in their web browser.

TRC Event Calendar

All campaign related events are displayed in a calendar. Just one click can add each event to your Outlook calendar.

Sales Incentive Flexibility

Your product price can be different than the incentive credit given. Need to sell more hole sponsorships for the golf tournament quickly? Sell them for $100, but give sales incentive credit of $200.

TRC Campaign Rolling

We’ll roll your campaign forward next year to avoid data re-entry. Build on previous efforts, keeping hundreds of users, customers and products ready to go! Just 2 clicks to renew a contract from a previous year.

Membership Pricing

Graduated membership pricing is fully supported. Once the Chamber confirms the price, our system auto-notifies the customer via email of approval. The buyer can also securely see and approve the contract without needing to log in.

Free Setup

Send us your product catalog, members, and companies and we’ll enter everything for you to help get you up and running quickly. We can also help suggest ways of grouping and splitting your items to ensure everything runs smoothly for your salespeople.

Sales Splitting

Salespeople can “give away” incentive sales credit to help others win prizes or go on the trip. They can give credit to multiple people on different teams all while retaining the right-of-renewal next year.

TRC Admin Dashboard and Tools

Powerful administration dashboard lets you review submitted contracts, manage events and publications, incentive levels and payments, customers, run reports, and more.

TRC Campaign Leaderboard

Track top sellers by individual, team, and division for the current week and campaign-to-date. Fully dynamic reporting provides real-time updates.

TRC Sales Visibility

Instantly see what sponsorships have been bought, what’s pending, and what is still available. See what every salesperson sold and what every company bought – across every TRC campaign.

100% Web Based

Nothing to install, nothing to maintain. Frequently backed up, and accessible from most mobile devices.

TRC Product Catalog Publicly Available

You can view, print, and share available sponsorships without a login. Let potential customers peruse available opportunities and then notify you with the sponsorships they’d like to purchase.

Facebook Integration

Salespeople can login using their Facebook account. This will allow EasyTRC to share their profile picture with everyone.

Two-Click TRC Contract Renewals

Salespeople can see all of their contracts from last year and renew them with 2 clicks. Black out periods enforce rights of first renewal.

Intuitive Tools

Enable salespeople to quickly and easily create and submit contracts.

Advanced Searching

Helpful search tools filter products by price, date and more.

Goal Tracking

Salespeople can follow their progress as they achieve team goals, campaign goals and sales incentive rewards.

Detailed Reporting

Weekly leaderboards feature top sellers, while our robust prospecting tools help identify future sales opportunities.

Instant Email Notifications

Automated emails notify salesperson, chamber staff and buyer when a contract is created or changed.

End of TRC Campaign : Hide Totals

Keep everyone in suspense as you near the end of the campaign by hiding the campaign totals. Admins can still see them, but you are now in control and can wow ’em at the victory celebration