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EasyTRC blog

Tiered Membership Pricing as Part of a TRC, Kyle Sexton Workshop

REMEMBERSHIP - New Strategies for Remarkable Membership Organizations
REMEMBERSHIP – New Strategies for Remarkable Membership Organizations

Kyle Sexton has literally written the book on chamber memberships and tiered membership pricing models. Recently he emailed out that he was coming up with a new series to help chambers with more of their members’ needs. Check out his upcoming seminar. And if your chamber hasn’t done it yet, perhaps tiered pricing would be a great addition to your Total Resource Campaign.

Kyle wrote….

I’ve asked hundreds of businesses what keeps them up at night. And if you’ve never done this with your members, the answers might not be what you think.

This year, I’m introducing a series of next-level topics for chambers who are familiar with my book Remembership – New Strategies for Remarkable Membership Organizations (eBook). I’ve been studying the highest performers in the Chamber industry, and I’m sharing this valuable insight in these workshops.

Here’s your invitation to Solving Common Business Problems on Thursday, March 15th.

In this workshop, we’re going to discuss:

  1. The Dozen Daily Dilemmas faced by your members
  2. How to organize these pain points for different businesses
  3. How and where to keep the conversation going about business challenges and opportunities

So I hope you’ll join me on Thursday, March 15th. Here’s to a great 2018, and I’ll see you on the 18th!

All the Best,

Kyle Sexton
ChamberThink Strategies

Map of Chambers Running Total Resource Campaigns Updated

The more we talk to Chamber people, the more we see a cooperative spirit almost unparalleled in other industries.  Everyone wants everyone to succeed – ESPECIALLY when it comes to Total Resource Campaigns. EasyTRC loves to help connect people to share those ideas – especially the ones that help generate revenue to help chambers succeed!

EasyTRC has updated the map of Chambers and Associations that have run a Total Resource Campaign

Did we miss any chambers of commerce or professional associations that are running or have historically run a total resource campaign? Let us know

We’d also be happy to make an introduction to someone running a total resource campaign if you’re just starting out or are 10 years in and need some fresh ideas. We have found that many ideas resonate with multiple chambers. Basing TRC themes on popular board games, movies, TV shows makes them easy to relate to. So what if you are going to use the same idea that someone 5 states away used? Not everything has to be truly unique; But we are sure that each chamber always puts their unique touches on everything they do.

Some of these chambers have met with failure, but a majority have seen success – some massively so. Let’s get you talking and see where things go. Do you think it would be a good idea to have a TRC summit? We could do it via GotoMeeting or something and spend an afternoon just sharing ideas. Let us know your thoughts.

EasyTRC v3.3 is Live with 20+ Updates (you really wanted # 12)


Total Resource Campaign management just got even better

What’s New in v3.3…

  1. Public view of Available Sponsorships available when logged in, exportable to CSV/Excel
  2. Home Page: links now included on item sold
  3. Long name ellipses are gone from everywhere
  4. Membership sales can be completely hidden, deactivated now
  5. Team listings now include totals
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. Because there were no totals.
  6. Product search more dynamic, less rigid
  7. Goal Grid on Leaderboard now has subtotals per contract type
  8. Leaderboard can be updated to show any number of top salespeople
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. In large campaigns, the top 10 wasn’t enough. 20 or 25 may be more useful.
    2. Previously this defaulted to 10. It can now be set to 10, 22, 30, 107….whatever you like
  9. Leaderboards can now indicate “Rookies”
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. If you’d like to acknowledge your top rookies, set your leaderboard to temporarily show a large number of salespeople and you can then visually see the top rookies for the current time period and the campaign to date.
    2. Campaigns can be adjusted to consider a salesperson a rookie if they have have been involved with this many campaigns or less.  Ex: If you set the rookie level to 3, then they will be considered a rookie in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd campaign. Furthermore, if this is a 3, then they will NOT be shown as a rookie in campaign 4, 5, 6….
    3. You can hide this feature completely
  10. Admin: Budget Fiscal Year added
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. Turn this on in the campaign settings if you want to use/see a Budget Fiscal Year field on Contracts. Typically this will be the same year as your campaign, but if a contract should be considered as part of a different fiscal year, this field will allow that. (Example: TRC 2019 may allow contract sales to apply to Fiscal Year 2019 or 2020). NOTE: This field is only visible and editable in the admin area. Salespeople do not see this field. Need this field on more reports? Give us a call
  11. Event Summary Screen now lays out better on smaller screens, prints beautifully
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. This has been our top feature request this year. You can now print the product listing page directly from the browser and it will show all products available as well as sold out – AND it provides listings of who has contracts sold and pending – with links to each.
      2. Also, on smaller screens, the top grid laid out poorly.  
  12. Event Summary Screen now includes all contracts pending and sold!
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. This has been a top feature request this year. You can now see who has contracts sold and pending – with links to each.
  13. Event Summary Screen links directly to report
    1. Why is this useful?
      1. Some users want to be able to filter, sort, and export this data. This link makes it quicker to get there.
  14. Sponsorship Listing page link improvements
  15. List of Authorized buyers on contract creation now only includes active companies and people
  16. List of Authorized buyers now shows more info
  17. Available and Sold Sponsorships report improvements
  18. Emails from system now use the reply-to address better
  19. Admin area: event page now includes sold and pending contracts
  20. Admin: inactive products no longer in dropdowns

TRC Contract Renewal Report Gets a Refresh

We like to hear when clients are using the system in interesting ways.  But we love to help simplify things for clients even more. Many times a Chamber needs something a bit different than what EasyTRC reports provide. Things are exported to Excel and then the filtering, updating, sorting, and rearranging begins.  With this in mind, and at the request of one of our client Chambers, we recently improved the Renewal Prospecting Report in several ways.

Multi-Column Sorting and New Pricing Columns Bring Clarity

The most important improvement was that, by default, the report is now sorted by division, then by team, then by salesperson, then by product type, then by product name, then by contract #.  This makes it super easy to produce a report for each of your salesepeople showing them what they sold last year.  We also added the contract price from last campaign as well as the product price from the current campaign.  To make it more obvious, we highlight the row when those two numbers are different.   That doesnt export to Excel, but to replicate that same highlighting, this example teaches you how to quickly highlight cells whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each row


[CLICK TO VIEW LARGER]  The TRC Contract Renewal Report Updates Save Chambers Time
TRC Contract Renewal Report Updates Save Chambers Time [CLICK TO VIEW LARGER]

Campaign Switcher Doubles as Total Resource Campaign History Lesson

The new TRC Campaign Switcher and Total Resource Campaign Historical Reporting Feature
The new TRC Campaign Switcher and Total Resource Campaign Historical Reporting Features are live everywhere [CLICK TO VIEW LARGER]

New Campaign Switcher Feature Now Available

Now that we have so many Chambers that have used EasyTRC for multiple years, we heard requests for a few new features.

First, users wanted an easier way of switching campaigns so they could go back and look at contracts and details from previous campaigns.  This was always available if you knew how to change the URL, but now it is as easy as 2 clicks.


TRC Campaign Summaries All in One Place

Second, users were asking to see a summary of all their campaign totals in one place.  As staff changes, some history is lost. We made it easy to show how successful historical total resource campaigns were.  And if the grand total isn’t enough, just click it and you’re transported to the last leaderboard for that campaign. Find out who your top 5 salespeople were 3 years ago. Need to know which teams sold more than $10,000 last year?  Who was the campaign chair in 2011?  It’s all here.

Salespeople that try to login early now told when they can log in

New message shown to volunteers when they can't login yet
New message shown to volunteers when they can’t login yet

If you happened to use the feature that allows you to keep salespeople out before your campaign offially starts, you’ll be happy to hear we’ve added an alert message to the login screen that now tells them when they will be able to login.  Enjoy

How To: Add Contracts But Don’t Count Them in the Campaign Totals


Can you give us advice on how to handle sponsorships that get sold but are not going to count in the campaign? We want to be able to mark the sponsorship sold, but not to have the total show up in our campaign total. Please advise. Thanks.



Any contract that is marked with a Date Sold that falls OUTSIDE any of the campaign weeks is not counted in the campaign total.

This is by design since several Chambers have requested to ‘hide’ or ‘not count’ some contracts as part of the campaign – but still want to use the system to track contracts.


Example 1: Update Contract to Sold, then change the Date Sold

Campaign runs Mar 1 through April 30.

If you mark a contract as sold with a Sold Date of May 1 (or later), then that contract will not be included in the campaign total since “technically” that contract was not sold during the campaign.

To mark a contract as sold and then set the date sold, edit the contract, click Update Contract Status. If you change the status to “Approved (SOLD!)” then you will see the date there.  It will default to today. Update the date as needed.

TIP: Run the Leaderboard to find which contracts are not being counted in the campaign total.

Click to view full size



Example 2: Contract already marked as sold, change the Date Sold

If a contract already has a status of “Approved (SOLD!)” then you can also update the Date Sold by editing the contract and scrolling down to the Date Sold field.

Click to view full size

EasyTRC v2.10 goes live – new features abound

Hi everyone! We’re excited to announce that we’ve updated EasyTRC to v2.10 with some exciting new features that many of you have requested in the past year.

We’ve added several new features to help with prospecting including business classifications, a Do Not Call list, and a company search feature.

We’ve added a new report, tied everything to Facebook, and even let you change what you call your users – salespeople, volunteers, salesketeers, whatever you want!

We’re also happy to schedule a quick demo to show off the new features to you and your staff.

Give us a call and enjoy!

New Features in EasyTRC v2.10

  1. Login using Facebook. No more separate user/password to remember.
  2. Facebook profile pictures now appear on the leaderboard and everywhere you see a salesperson’s name
  3. Company Search can now be found on the SELL tab, right next to Product Search and the Sell Renewals tabs

    Prospecting: Search for companies just like you can search for available sponsorships

  4. Added field for company phone number; previously only had phone numbers for people.
  5. Do Not Call list feature added. Companies can now be marked as “do not call” and you can include a note as to why that is the case.
  6. New Report: Available Products – shows list of sold, pending, and available products and sponsorships.  Listed by event, publication, etc so now you can see who bought the golf tournament presenting sponsorship, who bought each table at the winter formal party, or how many sponsorship levels are still not sold for the annual dinner meeting.
  7. Can now record number of full time and part time employees for each company
  8. Added Business Classifications; assign however many classifications you want to each company
  9. Added field for company location  phone number
  10. Buyer’s email address was added to the contract
  11. People can now be set inactive
  12. Several report filtering options added and tweaked (user requests)
  13. Administrators can now send emails to individuals, teams, or all people on the campaign directly from within the system
  14. Change terminology used to describe salespeople to anything you want. Call them volunteers, sales monkeys, volunteer salespeople, cowboys, Chamberketeers, etc.

 Also, a full salesperson training video has been posted to YouTube.

It is about 26 minutes long. Please call us to get the link.

Did you miss the update about Easy TRC v2.9?

Screenshot of the company summary page showing the new features
New company data points are available


New Report – Available and Sold Sponsorships brings clarity to event specific available Sponsorships
We’ve connected EasyTRC to Facebook

EasyTRC’s Powell To Be a Panelist at ACCE Workshop

The 2011 ACCE Convention will be held in LA, CA

EasyTRC is honored to have been invited to sit on a panel at the 2011 ACCE Convention. Additionally, EasyTRC will have personnel available to talk about Total Resource Campaigns in Booth 306.  Stop by!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is scheduled to speak at the event as well.

Here is some more information about the workshop. We hope to see you there. If you cannot attend, please give us a call and we can discuss anything and everything related to Total Resource Campaigns.

Successfully Executing Your Fundraising Campaign

Other Panelists include:

Bob Confoy, Co-Founder, Revenue Growth Inc;
Bob Morgan, President and CEO, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce;
Jim Vaughan, President and CEO, Waco Chamber of Commerce;
Matt Pivarnik, Executive Vice President, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce
Date: August 5, 2011
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Room #: Diamond 10

Workshop Summary

Learn how your chamber can design a working, sustainable fundraising model that’s a fit for today’s economy. Get insight on how volunteers can be more effective fundraisers than staff, how to ask for enough money to cover your programs, and how company CEOs can do more than just sponsor an event.
Come hear from the executives that run the most successful, and sustainable, Chamber fundraising programs in the United States.  You will be sure to leave with a different perspective on funding your Chamber.

Learn more about Successfully Executing Your Fundraising Campaign

Revenue Growth will be in Booth 306 at the 2011 ACCE Convention


New Feature: Hide TRC Campaign Total Until The Big Reveal

Hide the Total Resource Campaign’s grand total

We’re pleased to announce the addition of another feature requested directly from our great chamber of commerce clients! When a TRC is getting near the end, campaign administrators can now choose to hide the grand total from all the salespeople.  This can help build suspense and keep volunteers focused on selling instead of laying back when the campaign goal has been reached.

Learn more about how to hide totals at the end of TRC campaign

The best part is that the salespeople can still login, manage their sales, and see their individual sales totals – so they’ll know if they have qualified for incentives and trips.  The campaign administrator can still see the grand total in the admin only area to make sure everything adds up for the big reveal at the victory celebration.

What is hidden?

The login screen helps keep the TRC campaign progress a secret
The Reports tab has the progress meter hidden
The Leaderboard has the progress meter and parts of the goal grid hidden
The Leaderboard has the campaign to date team totals and division totals hidden