Columbia, MO has finished up their 2011 TRC campaign in style. With the help of EasyTRC, Emily and her crew were able to manage the 869 contracts generated by 60 salespeople of 315 different products sold to 551 people from 464 unique companies.
Total Resource Campaign co-chairs Chuck Everitt, Award Pet Supply, and Jocelyn Tipton, Bucket Media, Inc., are pleased to announce that TRC volunteers raised $493,824.15 for the Chamber – surpassing the initial campaign goal of $480,000!
For more information about the Total Resource Campaign, please contact Emily Hendren at 573-817-9115
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
First and foremost, we’re excited to share that the number of chambers of commerce using EasyTRC has quadrupled so far this year!
Version 2.9 Released
It's now very easy to hide the campaign total so you can keep it a secret for the "big reveal"
We’re also happy to announce that several new features and tweaks have been made to the system in the past few months. Here are some highlights of 2.9 build 21725 1) The most requested item is the ability to HIDE THE CAMPAIGN TOTAL from salespeople when you get near the end of your campaign. This option can be found in the CAMPAIGNS area on the Admin side. 2) We’ve moved the menu in the admin area to the left hand side – this gets rid of the issues some people were having in the reports section. 3) We’ve added a “weekly sales report” to help get an accurate account of sales. 4) We added division goals to the system. 5) You can now send an initial email blast to all users at the beginning of your campaign that tells them their username and provides a link for them to change their password 6) LOTS of speed improvements. Need more? Let us know. 7) A bug in an update of Internet Explorer 9 broke sales splitting, so we fixed it. 8) Admin Area: User can now search for contracts using more fields including number, status, buyer, salesperson, and product name 9) Selling a new membership is now ridiculously easier 10) Added a new contract status: PENDING PAYMENT
Want more details? Give us a call!
Version 3.0 Sneak peek
Based on the awesome feedback from existing and potential clients, we’ve designed a whole new look for EasyTRC version 3.0. While we don’t have a fixed launch date set yet, know that it is currently expected in 2012. We’d love to share the details with you and get your feedback. Give us a call and lets talk about it!
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
Delta Systems and Fremont Development Group are very pleased to announce the formation of a strategic alliance. The alliance will allow Fremont to upgrade all their existing customers to use the EasyTRC system. Delta and Fremont also intend to co-market EasyTRC to every organization that has ever used Fremont to implement a Total Resource Campaign.
Fremont has been a pioneer in defining the TRC structures necessary to ensure successful fund raising campaigns. They continue to champion the Total Resource Campaign concept. They have been the industry leader in educating chambers of commerce and other organizations about the benefits of using a Total Resource Campaign to increase sales, raise awareness, and expand member involvement in Chambers of Commerce throughout the United States. This alliance will bring out the strengths of both companies – on-site, expert consulting and a powerful, web-based contract management and communication system (EasyTRC).
Since 1994, Fremont Development Group has used its proven methodologies and innovative strategies to help raise funds, increase charitable giving, and clarify vision for Chambers of Commerce, non-profits, and economic development organizations.
We help non-profits accomplish their mission by generating the revenue needed to become self-sustaining organizations. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Fremont Development Group serves clients across the United States.
About Delta Systems
"Just Call Delta" Today!
Since 1986, Delta has been building tracking systems for everything from napkins to insurance policies, from golf courses to hot dog ingredients, from horse ailments to yoga certifications, and from blood donors to paddlefish. Building online applications and data management systems that are intuitive yet powerful is our specialty.
EasyTRC is pleased to announce the addition of a new features requested directly by clients.
The sales leaderboard can now be made public to the world.
EasyTRC Sales Leaderboard (click for larger image)
Plus, you can display it with the styling that comes with EasyTRC or a “skinnable” version that just exports the data and takes on any styling you wish to use. This “skinnable” version means that EasyTRC now allows you to embed your Total Resource Campaign leaderboard directly into your Chamber’s website or your TRC campaign website.
Skinnable EasyTRC Sales Leaderboard (click for larger image)
Everything is classed so skinning using CSS should be relatively easy, but we’re happy to help in any way we can. Check out an example
Other updates included in v2.5.11
New renewal prospecting and renewal exception reports.
New investment product type.
Major cleanups to product information code on sales side for all simple product types.
Public campaign leaderboard option available for instances that want it.
Don’t Run a TRC? Great! This System Tracks Contracts for Your Inside Salespeople
EasyTRC is a complete contract management system
EasyTRC is a contract manager that allows your professional organization to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications. Originally built to help the hundreds of volunteer salespeople enlisted in Total Resource Campaign efforts of Chambers of Commerce and Associations, EasyTRC has been found to greatly help the inside sales staff of organizations with the task of contract management.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
A number of updates and improvements were made with this release. Thanks to suggestions from our newest users! Keep em coming!
The highlights of this release are:
Implemented full text searching. This allows people to search with keywords that don’t appear consecutively in product names and get the expected results. Example: “women banquet” will find “Women’s Network Annual Banquet”
Allow adjustments of contract date sold from the contract status screen in the admin.
Show contract status history on status update screen in admin.
Allow users to opt-out of email notifications when setting contract statuses on multiple contracts in the admin.
Numerous minor fixes and improvements to the administrator side, driven by the recent work on the instance for our latest client.
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
Division name was added to several reports to make tracking of division totals easier for system administrators.
An issue related to the entry of range values (e.g. 50-125) into integer fields was fixed with improved consistency between business logic and database constraints and a patch to Swat.
Added a “Team Progress Report” that displays team progress in each incentive category in relation to the team’s overall campaign goal.
Added “Campaign Week Exception Report” which lists all contracts that have sold dates that fall outside all campaign weeks. The report integrates with the campaign leaderboard to alert administrators to this potential data problem.
The previous release was v2.6.2 and was made on June 18th.
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
Example of the new split sale highlighting feature in the Salesperson Incentive and Sales Credit report
We found an issue in the Leaderboard that we’ve fixed. Previously, the Top Individual producers in the campaign to date section was reporting an incorrect number of contracts and sales credit. Sorry about that.
Additionally, we’ve added row coloring to the Salesperson Incentive and Sales Credit Report so you can more easily see reports that have a split sales credit.
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of membership and sponsorship contracts associated with events and publications.
Don’t run a TRC? That’s OK. The system can be used by your inside salespeople as well.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
We’ve added a new report: Salesperson Incentive and Sales Credit Report.
Salesperson Incentive and Sales Credit Report sample (click for larger view)
This report shows a list of all salespeople associated with every contract. This report details the incentive credit and sales credit for each salesperson. This is perfect for showing details on contracts that split sales credit and/or incentive credit between multiple salespeople.
We pushed this update out to all client sites on 14 Jun 2010.
Do you need a custom report? Give us a call and we’ll add it to our system for free.
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
You may have noticed some improvements to the system lately. We just wanted to detail them here. We hope this helps and thank you for using EasyTRC!
One of the most important things is a naming standardization across the site which is most obvious on the “My Sales” tab.
Sale Credit counts towards Team Goal and counts on the Leaderboard;
Incentive Credit counts towards Incentive Awards;
Contract Total counts towards campaign total and specific campaign goals. This is the amount shown to the buyer and is used on the contract.
v2.6 Improvements
A campaign summary is now directly on the login page. Page features a much bigger campaign graphic too; you worked hard on that logo – now EasyTRC shows it off. Example:
The “My Sales” tab now has a box on the top that lets you view the “My Sales” tab of sales and incentive level progress of other people. If you login as an admin, you can see anyone’s info. If you login as a team leader, you can view all the members of your team. [User Requested Improvement]
New Reports – these are available on the Reports tab and in the Reporting section on the admin side. Salespeople are now able see some of these reports directly in the Reports tab. [User Requested Improvement]
More contract details included on the status update emails including the product being purchased, the authorized buyer’s contact info, the buyer’s company name, and more. [User Requested Improvement]
Search screen simplified. There used to be 2 search boxes – one for text and one for product number. We noticed people were putting text in the product number search and crashing it. Nobody was searching by product number anyhoo, so we removed the boxed. [User Requested Improvement]
Leaderboard team summary totals were misreporting sales [Bug Fix]
Previous improvements we didn’t announce:
v2.5.19 Improvements
Major optimization of the Pending Payments section of the admin. [Performance Improvement]
Clicking on some table column titles to sort by that column was sometimes crashing. [Bug Fix]
New report that shows the history of incentive payments already made. This is also displayed at the bottom of the pending payments section now. [User Requested Feature Addition]
My sales now helps with important TRC terminology and concepts. [User Requested Improvement]
My sales now includes additional sales and incentive totals to make it easier to understand a salesperson’s progress at a glance. [User Requested Improvement]
The campaign leaderboard has received numerous updates to make it consistent and easier to understand. [User Requested Improvement]
There are numerous improvements to the contract editing tools available to campaign administrators, which make important Total Resource Campaign concepts easier to understand and automatically assign appropriate amounts of sales and incentive credit in common cases. [User Requested Improvement]
Contracts can be viewed online by the buyer without having to login. However, they were able to see all the contract status messages and sales split information. They don’t need to see that info, so we hid it. In other words, The contract display intended for unauthenticated use by people purchasing products from the system has been streamlined so that it doesn’t include information relevant only to chamber staff and campaign volunteers. [User Requested Improvement]
A new report has been added that makes it easy to find contracts where the total amount on the contract is not equal to the amount of sales credit assigned to salespeople. [Admin Improvement]
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships of events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.
A new report that shows the history of incentive payments already made has been added to the system. This is also displayed at the bottom of the pending payments section now.
This was a User Requested Feature Addition.
About EasyTRC
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign management system
EasyTRC is a Total Resource Campaign contract manager that allows your Chamber of Commerce to handle the flood of contracts that go with memberships and sponsorships to events and publications.
It costs nothing to find out how EasyTRC can help your organization improve the bottom line. Give us a call today.